What is Held?

What is HELD!
I've been thinking about the power of being held for a long time now – how necessary it is for us to feel held securely when we're children in order to develop and grow optimally. Being held teaches a baby about love and boosts self-esteem.
If we didn't feel securely and unconditionally held by the adults around us as kids, we may have the belief that we have to "earn" love, that somehow we're not lovable as we are. For those we take on the role of the "holder" or emotional caretakers for others, i have found there is immense healing power in allowing ourselves to be held.
When we feel truly held, we feel increasingly safe in embodying who we truly are in the world and by virtue of that, bring more authenticity, joy, and depth to our families, friendships, and communities. This inner safety is first built within us by honoring our own true feelings and needs
especially in adults we have become more aware of your need to be held and to allow yourself to be held in new ways!
This summer, I invite you to visit held where offer a space where you can come for treatment a feel secure, supported and held, Have fun with this!